Delight in the Word

This Sunday, we looked at Jesus’ discussion with His disciples about the future in Mark 13:14-37. Pastor Michael began his sermon by asking us an important question: “If you knew the world was to end tomorrow, what would you do?” He followed that question by reminding us, “Jesus tells us about the future so we will be faithful to Him in the present.”

There are several different views about the return of Jesus, the millennium, and the tribulation. Michael gave a brief overview of the most popular views: 1) Postmillennialism, 2) Historic Premillennialism, 3) Dispensational Premillennialism, and 4) Amillennialism. He also mentioned that there are some pan-millennialists out there who are waiting for it all to “pan out.” No matter which of these views we hold to, and there are faithful believers who have advocated for each of them, we should be most concerned with living faithfully for Christ as we prepare for His imminent return.

Jesus warned that desolation and destruction would soon come (Mark 13:14-23). Jesus did not share this warning to frighten His disciples but to prepare them to be faithful to Him when these events occur. Jesus comforts His disciples by informing them that even though desolation and destruction will come, He is also returning. When He comes, He will return with power and glory (Mark 13:26). Upon His arrival, he will send out His angels to gather His people to Himself (Mark 13:27).

Since these things will take place, we need to be prepared. If you don’t know Jesus, count today as a gracious blessing from God. The Lord does not desire for any to perish but for all to repent and trust in His Son (2 Peter 3:9). For us who know Jesus, let’s live faithfully for Jesus this day knowing that He is coming back on that day. Let’s reach lost souls around us. Let’s resist temptation. Let’s keep our eyes locked on Jesus. Soon, we will see Him!


Reflection Questions:

  • If you knew the world was to end tomorrow, what would you do?

  • What can you do to keep your eyes focused on Jesus today?

  • What can you do to prepare for that day?